Sometimes we win and sometimes we learn - 75Hard, Day 1
What I have learned this week is that preparation is key. I’ve also learned how to be proud of my efforts even when I don’t quite reach the target.
Until June this year I haven’t been exercising, I’ve been eating as much as I want (often turning to food to fill some emotional needs - but I’m working on this), and I’ve been neglecting my mental health. In this past week I’ve done at least one walk each day (including a hike up to MtLofty!!), followed a caloric deficit, drunk at least 2 litres of water, and read 10 pages of a personal development book. This is a huge improvement and I’m incredibly proud of myself for doing these hard things.
At the end of the day it’s still not all that I want to be doing as part of the 75 Hard challenge and so I’m starting again from day 1 - as per the rules of the challenge. While this could be discouraging to some people, I see this as a way to keep myself focused and inspired. I want to know what it feels like to do this every day for 75 days in a row. Not letting anything distract me from making this happen, actually doing something for myself and no one else for 2 months.
This past week I also did some work on my short and long term goals. I’ve really put some thought into my reasons for why I want to get into shape and written up some affirmations to read out loud to myself each day. I’m doing what I can to build that ‘pull’ momentum rather than constantly relying on pushing myself with discipline and motivation. If you want to know more about this method or you’re interested to know what my reasons for wanting to get into shape are leave me a comment below! I’m keen to share anything that will help others if its of interest to you.
So far today I’ve woken up at 4.30am, been to the gym for my first 45 minute workout, been drinking my water, I’ve been sticking to the food I’d measured and planned for today. I’ve done my reading, cold shower, and taken the progress photos. As long as I get in my walk outdoors, continue to follow the meal plan, and drink the rest of my water today is golden.
Now hit repeat!