30 Non-Food ways to celebrate your Weight Loss

Sometimes when you’re getting started with your weightloss it’s hard to see the progress even when you’re doing really well and the weight it coming off easily. I think it has something to do with the fact that you see yourself every day so it’s easy to miss the small improvements as they happen.

To help keep yourself on track and feeling good about hitting your milestones it’s a great idea to have some rewards in place to help you celebrate! Losing the weight and getting into shape is definitely a reward in itself and you will reach the point where you feel so good and can see your progress. But there is nothing wrong with having some healthy rewards to keep you inspired and ready to work.

  1. Take a selfie, why not take one each month and compare the difference.

  2. Stay in bed later than you usually would.

  3. Take a guilt free nap.

  4. Get a manicure, pedicure, or both! You can also buy a new shade of nail polish and do this at home if you’re on a budget.

  5. Have a bubble bath.

  6. Get a massage.

  7. New sunglasses.

  8. Get a new outfit and enjoy fitting into a smaller size.

  9. Invest in a fitness tracker, like a FitBit.

  10. Take a day off work to do something you love.

  11. Buy something cute for your work area that reminds you how well you’re doing.

  12. Visit a different park for a workout.

  13. Go see a new movie or watch a new TV show you’ve wanted to see.

  14. Night out with friends.

  15. Get a fitness subscription to a magazine or fitness app.

  16. Sign up for a charity 5k.

  17. Use a free week at a local gym to try their pool or equipment.

  18. Buy or make a special piece of jewelry.

  19. Start a gratitude journal.

  20. Buy a lottery ticket.

  21. Buy a new house plant or fresh flowers.

  22. Upgrade your water bottle.

  23. Go through your clothes and donate whatever doesn’t fit.

  24. Check out a book at the library and give yourself time to read it.

  25. Do a hobby that you haven’t done in a long time.

  26. Try a new workout.

  27. Find new headphones for the gym.

  28. Find a new podcast to listen to and listen to it without interruption.

  29. Host a game night for family or friends.

  30. What is your city or town known for? Go visit it!


75 Hard - Day 0


Oh, How I Love Food (Apparently Healthy Food, Too! Who Knew?)