Book Club Review: January Wait for It by Mariana Zapata
Diana Casillas is a twenty-six year old single guardian of her two little nephews, trying to make adulthood work. She knows she has a lot on her plate but it doesn’t mean she’s going to give up anytime soon. Her character is really feisty and strong, but she knows when to choose her battles. In fact, a huge part of the book revolves around the tension between wanting to stand up for herself and wanting to show her little nephews how to be good human beings. Adulthood in essence, as the book kept on going, means finding the right balance between maturity and strength.
I loved the relationships between Diana and her nephews, I liked seeing how their stories unfolded and their history all came to light throughout the story. This seems to be a magic only Mariana Zapata seems to possess, she is the only slow-burn Author I automatically purchase any new release.
Which reminds me, if you’re reading this wondering if the book is for you, know ahead of time that it is a slow-burn with a fun spicy finish.
Wait for It may not have been as sensational as Kulti and Winnipeg for me but I really enjoyed it overall and seeing how the characters are connected to the other stories is always fun. This work is stand-alone but there are small connections with the characters from different stories being relatives/friends.
You can read Wait for It by Mariana Zapata as part of your kindle unlimited membership! If you prefer a hardcopy click here to purchase your copy asap!