Our Rise & Shine Adventurers

  • Sarah

    After throwing in her scrubs, this lab tech decided to pursue her love of dog training. After becoming a qualified dog trainer she helped pet lovers to understand their furry family members and teach all dogs new tricks. Sarah got Lacey in 2019 and the rest is history. Sarah is a fan of sending postcards, cheese, and long conversations.

  • Lacey

    Lacey is a 4 year old Australian Shepherd. She loves playing with toys and other dogs. Her favourite treat is sardines, and the first time she went to the beach she ran until her legs shook. Lacey has no idea whats going on but she’s always up for anything.

  • Kathryn

    After an epic tour of Europe in 2018 Kathryn has been considering her next adventure. She came to the realisation that she’s always said she wanted to see more of Australia and there’s no time like the present! She enjoys writing and illustrating books for kids when she’s not planning new adventures. She likes 80s bops and the colour yellow. She’s also very bossy but Sarah’s cool with it.

  • Antarctica

  • Hawaii

  • First Home

  • France

  • Long Weekends

  • Greece

  • Italy

  • Switzerland

  • Canada

  • Dubai

  • Scotland

  • Day Trips - Victoria


Welcome to Rise and Shine Adventures! I’m Kathryn but everyone calls me Kat (this is Australia after all and if there is one thing we all do its lazy shortening of words). I live just outside of Melbourne in Victoria, I’m in my 30s and I don’t have everything figured out.

I feel like when you hit rock bottom there has to be no place to go but up. I’m here to share my side of what getting back up again looks like and how I’m working hard to make my own dreams come true. I’m working to get great with money and become debt free. Having hit the heaviest weight I’ve ever been I’m turning things around and getting into the best shape of my life. I’ve been sad, bored, and confused about where I’m at, so this is me taking back control of my life instead of hitting snooze on it. If you want to read more about my story you can read my full bio here, or read some journal entries here. I really hope that sharing this here will bring something to someone else and in some small way I can help you make your dreams come true too.

This page is a summary of the site and an overview of what you can find here. I’ve done my best to give you info and links so if something in particular takes your fancy you can head on in and learn more about that easily. Let me know if you have any questions, I’d love to hear from you!


Implementing a conscious personal growth focused morning routine has been such a game changer for me. It’s helped me learn more about myself and what is important to me.

You may already have a morning routine in place but if you’re feeling flat and frustrated with life I would ask that you check in with yourself to find out if it’s really serving you. So many women start there day in reaction mode, emails, family demands, work demands, even your pets. Having a conscious personal growth focused morning routine helps you move into proactive mode and ensuring your day starts by serving you.

I started writing it during the circuit breaker lockdown in May 2021 and I look forward to launching it in September!


To keep things simple I’ve used some standard ‘life areas’ to create categories and keep themed things together. I’m referring to the areas of your life; Relationships, Career, Finances, Health & Wellness, Fun & Recreation, and Environment. This way, if you’re looking for just one specific thing you can jump to that category and learn all about it. But if you’re interested in starting from the beginning you can just check out my first post and move along the line from there.

TRAVEL (Fun & Recreation)

Before the pandemic hit I would travel overseas every two years or so, doing local holidays and travel in between those adventures. Now that things have improved in Australia I’ll be planning trips all over this beautiful country of mine while also looking back at my previous trips and sharing memories, tips, and stories.

GETTING IN SHAPE (Health & Wellness)

When I started my weight loss journey I was 148kgs (326lbs). That’s right, almost 150kgs on my 5’4″ frame. That made me Category 3 or “Morbidly Obese” and at a much higher likelihood to die of diabetes, heart disease or weight-related illnesses. I knew I was putting on weight, I was eating my emotions and coping with COVID and stress the way I always had - food. I stopped exercising and it became a vicious cycle of not wanting to exercise because I was stressed and sad, knowing the only way to pull myself out of it was to move more and make some changes.

I didn’t have an aha moment, I didn’t wake up one day and change everything and stick to the new plan. I’ve picked myself up and fallen back down. I’ve had good days and great weeks. I’ve also struggled to get out of bed and skipped meals only to eat all the take out for dinner that day. It’s hills and valleys, changing your life isn’t a straight line to the finish. It’s work, day in and day out.



Mental health

How talking can help (when you feel like it doesn't make a difference).