Workout vibes

Ten 15-Minute Workouts for Busy Lifestyles

These quick workouts are perfect for fitting in before a busy day at work, while you’re traveling, hotel workouts, and pretty much anything! If you are on your phone, screen shot the workout! If you are on your computer, save the workout to your computer, or print it! Take these to the gym with you, or hang them up where you can see them.

  • 1 minute of Jumping Jacks

  • 1 minute of Squats

  • 1 minute of High Knees

  • 1 minute of Push-ups to Double Shoulder Tap

  • 1 minute of Burpees

Repeat x5

Questions for you!

  1. Do you find it hard to fit in workouts with your schedule?

  2. Could you dedicate 15 minutes to exercise everyday?

  3. How long are your workouts?


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